Reader's Certification Path

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(B0) Breathing Meditation - Basic breathing techniques for physical relaxation leading to meditation. We will focus on opening flow within the body, increasing focus and concentration within the mind, and creating the building blocks of a method for processing emotion. Some guided meditation.

(E1) Energy - Guidance in sensing and differentiating between types of energy. Easy exercises to introduce rhythm, cycles, frequency, and tuning to a chosen energy both within and without. (Prerequisites: B0)

(V1) Visualization - Practical techniques to develop and improve your ability to visualize. The focus of the class is to deepen and clarify your ability to visualize while in meditation. Specific tools will be introduced that are used in later courses. (Prerequisites: B0)

(E2) Energy - Advanced techniques for working with energy. Focus on using myth and symbolism to label sources of energy to enhance your ability to regain connection. Areas covered include seeking and communicating with specific energies, learning energetic languages, and validating your experiences. (Prerequisites: E1)

(V2) Visualization - Advanced techniques in visualization for use in meditation and higher level work. Among the tools discussed will be building sacred space, creating working landscapes, communing with archetypes, and establishing an anchor for travel. (Prerequisites: V1)

Developing Intuition - A course in the mechanics of intuition and techniques for using it for yourself and others. (Prerequisites: E1, V1)

Reading Etiquette -

Connecting with Your Tools - Type specific course for those who use tools to read.

Mediumship - Type specific for readers that connect with spirits, ghosts, or events in the past.

Practicum - 50 hours of reading work - No fee may be charged. Donations can be accepted, but not suggested. Must inform clients that you are acting as an amatuer or trainee. May not include family and friends.

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