Wellness Path

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(B0) Breathing Meditation - Basic breathing techniques for physical relaxation leading to meditation. We will focus on opening flow within the body, increasing focus and concentration within the mind, and creating the building blocks of a method for processing emotion. Some guided meditation.

Body Basics - A basic primer on the care and maintenance of your amazing Wondertool, the human body. Foundational keys to overall wellness will be presented along with practical tips for rejuvenating and keeping your body strong and healthy.

Mind Basics - A basic primer on the care and maintenance of your personal internal computer, the human mind. Foundational keys to overall wellness will be presented along with practical tips for rejuvenating and keeping your mental processes strong and healthy.

Spirit Basics - A basic primer on the care and maintenance of your creativity, bliss, inner peace, core beliefs, in short, the human spirit. Foundational keys to overall wellness will be presented along with practical tips for rejuvenating and keeping your spiritual life strong and healthy.

Clearing Your Path - Clear the distractions that keep you from moving forward. Face the obstacles that bar your way. Set a destination for your travel. Build a Path to take you where you want to go. This will be a discussion about how you got here and how to clear your path to where you want to go. Some guided meditation.

(B1) Breathwork - Physical breathwork exercises to increase your ability to know yourself. Explore your body from the inside with breath and meditation techniques. Identify blockages and work to release them. Become more in tune with your own inner rhythms and cycles, which can alert you to changes in overall state of health. (Prerequisites: B0)

(B2) Breathwork - Advanced techniques in breathwork. Learn to expand your breathwork into emotional, mental, and spiritual areas. (Prerequisites: B1)

(V1) Visualization - Practical techniques to develop and improve your ability to visualize. The focus of the class is to deepen and clarify your ability to visualize while in meditation. Specific tools will be introduced that are used in later courses. (Prerequisites: B0)

(V2) Visualization - Advanced techniques in visualization for use in meditation and higher level work. Among the tools discussed will be building sacred space, creating working landscapes, communing with archetypes, and establishing an anchor for travel. (Prerequisites: V1)

Discovering the Guide Within - A journey to discover your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. (Prerequisites: V2)

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